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Latin American Women Filmmakers

March 17, 2023

Latin America needs public intervention to promote entrepreneurship in order to improve the quality of life and, in the long term, to make viable the possibilities of growth and economic and social development . This document compiles and analyses the main experiences and initiatives implemented to promote the participation of women and girls in the STEM sector. This study is an analytical and comparative document that includes the main experiences and initiatives implemented in the Latin American region to encourage the participation of women and girls in the STEM sector. The primary objectives of this study are to identify, contextualise, and analyse successful practices and initiatives at national and international levels for attracting, training, and promoting the participation of women and girls in STEM. The study systematises and compares policies and initiatives focused on gender equality in STEM. This list is by no means exhaustive, and further figures like Rosario Castellanos of Mexico and Celia Amorós of Spain should not be forgotten as they influenced the positions developed by these thinkers. All of these women dared to be thinkers at times when being a Latin American woman in philosophy was unheard of, and they have come to form the foundation of a canon of thinkers that paved the way for new and emerging voices.

  • As a result, the status of white women, existing alongside colonizing white men, operated on a different nexus committed to the reproduction of racialized humanity.
  • Yet, there exists a wealth of critical feminist ideas for theories of identity, politics, and culture.
  • Depicting faceless bodies restrained by ropes and bonds of fabric, Gutiérrez replaced the typically banal message of Pop art with social and political commentary.
  • The Brooklyn Museum stands on land that is part of the unceded, ancestral homeland of the Lenape people.
  • Violence against women extends globally , and it has been recognized internationally that it threatens public health, violates human rights, and creates a barrier to economic development (Reference Bott, Guedes, Goodwin and Adams Bott et al. 2014).

Although in my career I have met and worked with men that tried to mansplain to me, I have to recognize that I have also met and worked with men that fully respect women as employees, as colleagues, and as bosses. Before the current crisis of layoffs, mergers, and shuttered newsrooms, diversity was a priority in many newsrooms across the United States. As the financial pressures have increased, I believe it has now become a second thought.

The pandemic only heightened the frequency of abuse, because women were forced to share the same space with their aggressors for long periods. We are determined to advance the education and quality of life for Latinos in the Charlotte Region. Through scholarships and college and career readiness programs, we provide a leg up to local families. The first successful legal action occurred in 2006, afterWomen’s Link Worldwidefiled apetitionwith the Colombian Constitutional Court arguing that the criminal law that classified abortion as a crime under any circumstances should be found unconstitutional. In response, the court decriminalized abortion in cases of rape, nonviable pregnancy and when the life or health of the pregnant woman is in danger. These scarves became a resistance symbol, inspired by theGrandmothers of the Plaza de Mayoin Argentina, who wore white scarves to call attention to the government’s abduction and murder of their loved ones during that country’s last dictatorship, from 1976 to 1983. The use of green scarves in women’s rights mobilizations soon spread in Latin America and elsewhere.

Federal investment in evidenced-based student success initiatives, like CUNY ASAP, could also help close completion gaps for students of color. And doubling the Pell Grant would have a significant impact on Hispanic student enrollment, since nearly 50% of them receive Pell Grants. In every single state we examined, Latinas have higher levels of degree attainment than Latinos . The average gap in attainment between Latinas and Latinos is 6.2 percentage points. In nearly half of the states we examined, the attainment gap between Latinas and Latinos is 7 percentage points or higher. In less than a quarter of states , the gap is relatively small — below 5 percentage points.

The segmentation of the labor market shows that the majority of women are employed (62%), although this percentage is lower than for their male peers. Similarly, few women are employers (2.8%), while men almost double this percentage, and 18.5% are self-employed. Conversely, household service work (14.2%) and contributing family workers (2.2%) are represented by women . These data show the low female participation in the business world in Latin America . The purpose of this study is to develop an overview of the Latin American women-owned businesses environment in order to analyze the challenges that women entrepreneurs face. Since there is no database providing complete data for this study, the data was collected from several sources that included information of women-owned businesses in Latin American countries from 2010 to 2016. This work is based on documentary research, scientific papers, and secondary sources.

A number of the performance pieces are complemented by essays providing context and analysis. Big challenges remain in Honduras, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, as well as in other Latin American countries where abortion is not yet legal. It has taught us that organization and collaboration are what fuels successful demands for women’s rights. Many, particularly those who live inpovertyor inrural areas, resort to unsafe self-induced abortions or seek assistance from untrained providers.

Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

TheRegional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbeanis a subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and is the main regional intergovernmental forum on women’s rights and gender equality within the United Nations system. It is organised by ECLAC as Secretariat of the Conference and, since 2020, with the support of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women). In the states we examined, slightly more than a quarter (26.2%) of Latinas have a college degree, on average.

Access to Credit and Financial Services

Apollcommissioned by the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health found that the majority of Latinas agree that women have the right to make their own personal, private decisions about abortion, countering popular narratives of Latinas as being socially conservative and anti-abortion. check here Government authorities highlight women’s inclusion and economic empowerment as drivers of sustainable development. The indicators of the World Bank’sgender scorecards, which were used to study 29 Latin American and the Caribbean countries, indicate that progress has been made toward general equality but there are still major challenges. We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. ; introduced shared parental leave and increased the length of paternity leave to encourage the sharing of responsibilities for unpaid care work.

However, there are alarming figures in some countries of the region and it might be assumed that violence also affects women entrepreneurs and their leadership. Further studies on gender-based violence are recommended to measure the impact that this could have on women entrepreneurs. In regard to associations, women entrepreneurs are at a disadvantage compared to their male counterparts, since they have less access to associations, information sources, and business formalization. While women do not have lesser entrepreneurial skills than men, they do have less chance of getting the necessary training to develop their companies. In addition, it should be noted that networks structure are different for men and women; women have small networks and these are mainly homogeneous social and family relationships .

Young people took leadership in the streets, with the patient support of the “pioneers” from older generations. New language became common sense, using gender-neutral terms in the highly gendered Spanish language, and specifically speaking of gestating persons, thanks to the struggle of non-binary people and trans men. The movement combined parliamentary lobbying with the autonomous practices of self-organized underground networks that had made abortion possible for many every year with massive and heterogeneous mobilizations in the street. Simultaneously, the Peruvian government is implementing long-term policies to break the cycle of violence for children who fall victim to domestic violence. Programs include aspecial unitthat protects the rights of children orphaned by the murder of their mother, or for survivors that were disabled by the act of violence against them.

From my husband, that success comes with effort, that good things in life are not created as a result of speed but of perseverance, and that support for one’s partner is inherent to love. From my siblings, I have learned that family is irreplaceable and that we must take care of family. My best teachers are my three children, who teach me new things about life every day. I think that leadership styles have more to do with personality than with gender.

But their form of feminism, such as it is, represents an “evolution” from the writing of the last century, said Alemany Bay. But these stories have more in common than uncanny coincidence and bumps in the night, says Alemany Bay. The “narrative of the unusual” often is socially conscious, explores womanhood in intimate and unconventional ways, and challenges the nature of our closest personal relationships, she said. Depictions of normal life aren’t intended to heighten the effect of the fantastic or supernatural; instead, the unreal is used to sharpen readers’ view of what’s true. Program offers microloans to start or expand your business from $500 to $5000 at a 5% interest rate.

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