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Solved Convertibility of rupee implies

November 18, 2020

exchange control
converted into gold

Reducing dependence on foreign currency makes India less vulnerable to external shocks. For example, during phases of monetary tightening in US and strengthening dollar, excessive foreign currency liabilities of domestic business results in a de facto domestic tightening. Reduced exposure to currency risk would substantially mitigate the pain of reversal of capital flows. The dollar accounts for 88.3% of global foreign exchange market turnover, followed by the euro, Japanese Yen and Pound Sterling; the rupee accounts for a mere 1.7%, underlining the need for pushing the currency much farther to get an international tag.

Imagine an Indian business taking a U.S. dollar loan at a rate of 4%, compared to one available in India at 7%. However, if the U.S. dollar appreciates against the Indian rupee, more rupees will be needed to get the same number of dollars, making therepaymentcostly. Full convertibility would mean the rupeeexchange ratewould be left to market factors without any regulatory intervention. There may be no limit on inflow or outflow of capital for various purposes including investments,remittances, or asset purchases/sales. Making the rupee a fully convertible currency would mean increased liquidity in financial markets, improved employment and business opportunities, and easy access to capital. India’s rupee is a partially convertible currency—rupees can be exchanged at market rates in certain cases, but approval is required for larger amounts.

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Indian businesses will be able to hold foreign currency deposits in local Indian banks forcapital requirements. Amid current restrictions, one does not see much variety in India for foreign goods and services. Walmart and Tesco stores aren’t that common, although a handful exist in partnership with local retail chains.

The recent initiative of invoicing trade in rupee comes from a different global requirement and order, but for true internationalisation and wider use of the rupee overseas, opening up of trade settlement in rupee alone will not suffice. Further opening up and liberalised settlements in rupee for various financial instruments both in India and overseas markets are more important. Non-resident holdings of Rupees could exacerbate pass-through of external stimulus to domestic financial markets, increasing volatility. For instance, a global risk-off phase could lead non-residents to convert their Rupee holdings and move out of India.

Currencies that are almost impossible to convert into legal tender are considered to be “non-convertible.” They include the Brazilian real, the Argentine peso, and the Chilean peso. A global depositary receipt is a negotiable financial instrument representing shares in a foreign company. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.

Current Affairs

Easy options to buy/sell gold freely and offer gold-based deposits and loans with higher limits. In 2021, INR contracts traded against the dollar an average of 16,784 times per day compared to 162,338 contracts converted from Euro to USD. Until the early 1990s (pre-reform period), anyone willing to transact in a foreign currency would need permission from the Reserve Bank of India , regardless of the purpose. General permission to retain ADR/GDR proceeds, abroad for future foreign exchange requirements. The requirement of prior approval of the RBI should be replaced with subsequent reporting. Such requirement should be dispensed with in case of disinvestment in a number of cases concerning investments by both residents and non-residents.

One can still bring in foreign capital or take out local money for these purposes, but there are ceilings imposed by the government that require approvals. In addition, Indian investments abroad upto U.S. $ 64 million were eligible for automatic approval by the RBI subject to certain conditions. It is therefore prudent to undertake capital account convertibility only sometime after experimenting with the current account convertibility. This means that although there is a lot of freedom to exchange local and foreign currency at market rates, a few important restrictions remain for higher amounts, and these still need approval.

Internationalisation of Rupee

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Prior to the First World War the whole world was having gold standard under which the currency in circulation was allowed to get converted either in gold or other currencies based on the gold standard.

Having this kind of currency promotes trading with the country in question and also serves to promote the country’s exports. A convertible currency can be easily traded on forex markets with little to no restrictions. When a country has poor currency convertibility, meaning it is difficult to swap it for another currency or store of value, it poses a risk and barrier to trade with foreign countries who have no need for the domestic currency.

  • In the case of the dollar, which is an international currency, the ‘exorbitant’ privileges include immunity from Balance of Payments crises as the USA can pay for its external deficits with its own currency.
  • The symbol of the Indian Rupee characterizes India’s worldwide identity for currency transactions and economic clout.
  • Use of Rupee in cross-border transactions mitigates currency risk for Indian business.

Full convertibility of rupee will enable the Indian investors to hold internationally diversified investment portfolio. The fully convertible currency can result in automatic self-balancing of total foreign receipts and payments. A higher exchange rate of rupee can stimulate the remittances by the Non-Resident Indians . One had toseek the permission of the central bank to purchase foreign exchange. The correct answer isFreely permitting the conversion of the rupee to other major currencies and vice versa.

What Are the Three Types of Currency Convertibility?

It was followed by the removal of restrictions on outflows by the residents. Among the latter, corporates and non-corporates in those countries received generally the preferential treatment. In the transition to CAC, most of these countries maintained or had to impose some controls on capital inflows. If difficulty arises in keeping the current account balance under control, the free market exchange rate is likely to rise steeply.

Full current account convertibility of the Rupee is in operation since the middle of 1990s. 60% of the export earnings could be converted at the market determined rate; this amount could be used freely for current account transactions and payments (i.e., for import of goods, for travel and for remittances abroad). Capital account convertibility implies the right to transact in financial assets with foreign countries without restrictions. When there is completely free capital account convertibility, an Indian can dispose of his assets in India and take the money out of the country without hindrance. A convertible currency is any nation’s legal tender that can be easily bought or sold on the foreign exchange market with little to no restrictions. A convertible currency is a highly liquid instrument as compared with currencies that are tightly controlled by a government’scentral bankor other regulating authority.

Current Account vs. Capital Account Convertibility

There should be development of Treasury bill market and access to financial institutions in it. In respect of non-resident banks, the recommendations included allowing of forward cover in Rupee Account, cancelling/re-booking, enhanced overdraft limit and limited investment. Full convertibility of rupee can greatly strengthen the speculative tendencies and consequent instability in the whole system.

An exchange-traded fund is a basket of securities that tracks an underlying index. Sterilization is a form of monetary action in which a central bank seeks to limit the effect of inflows and outflows of capital on the money supply. Discover the types of coins, notes, and how the central bank manages the rupee.

The first rupee in India was introduced by Sher Shah Suri and the Bank of Hindustan issued the first paper note.

All suchforexexchanges occurred at pre-determined forex rates finalized by the RBI. Convertibilityis the ease with which a country’s currency can be converted into gold or another currency through global exchanges. It indicates the extent to which the regulations allow inflow and outflow of capital to and from the country. Currencies that aren’t fully convertible, on the other hand, are generally difficult to convert into other currencies.


Convertibility of the rupee implies Freely permitting the conversion of the rupee to other major currencies and vice versa. All Other payment transactions for import of goods and services will have to take place exclusively at the market exchange rate. This refers to a liberalization of a country’s capital transactions such as loans and investment, both short term and long term as well as speculative capital flows.

It is essential that capital flows be regulated under a separate controlled regime during the initial movement towards convertibility. While the current account deals mainly with the import and export of goods and services, the capital account is made up of the cross-border movement of capital by way of investments and loans. Indian residents would be permitted to have foreign currency denominated deposits with banks in India, to make transfers of financial capital to other countries within certain limits, and to take loans from non-relatives and others up to a ceiling of $1 million. Some more relaxations on current account payments were announced by RBI on August 19, 1994 in respect of different schemes related to foreign currency non-resident accounts. There is a basic difference between current account convertibility and capital account convertibility.

In order to remove this defect, the GOI announced full convertibility of the rupee on trade account. This measure enabled Indian exporters and Indian workers abroad convert 100% of their foreign exchange earnings at the market rates. As the next step, the GOI announced the convertibility of the rupee on the current account, that is, liberalise the access to foreign exchange for all current business transactions including travel, education, medical ex­penses, etc. The basic objective of the GOI was to eliminate reliance upon illegal channels for such legitimate transactions.

For setting put a roadmap towards fuller capital account convertibility, the Reserve Bank of India constituted a Committee headed by S.S. In the case of resident individuals, the recommendations included the allowing of foreign currency denominated deposits, foreign capital transfer and liberalisation of repatriation norms. The relaxations were made also in respect of the release of foreign exchange for foreign travel, interest income on Non-Resident Non-Repatriable rupee deposits and remittances to relatives abroad. The Reserve Bank of India announced some major relaxations in exchange control in January 1997. The monetary ceilings prescribed for remittance of foreign exchange for a wide range of purposes were removed and authorised dealers could now allow remittances for those purposes without prior clearance from the RBI. But full convertibility of currency for capital account transactions is still a distant dream.

Indian banks would be permitted to borrow from overseas markets for short-term and long-term up to certain limits, to invest in overseas money markets, to accept deposits and extend loans denominated in foreign currency. Such facilities would also be available to non- bank financial institutions and financial intermediaries like insurance companies, investment companies and mutual funds. Local businesses can benefit from easy access to foreign loans at comparatively lower costs—lower interest rates. Indian companies currently have to take theADR/GDRroute to list on foreign exchanges. After full convertibility, they will be able to directlyraise equity capitalfrom overseas markets. Full capital account convertibility opens up the country’s markets to global players including investors, businesses, and trade partners.

Convertibility of Indian Rupee

You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy. It may take another three to five years for India to fully prepare itself for full rupee convertibility. Allowing non-residents access to Foreign Currency Non-Resident [FCNR ] and Non-Resident Rupee Account [NRRA] schemes. There should be deregulation of deposit rates with the removal of minimum period restrictions. As regards to the international experience, the Committee found that the countries that had strong fundamentals were less vulnerable to back tracking and the re-imposition of control. If the full convertibility causes depreciation of rupee, the import prices are likely to increase.

Moreover, the intention was also to make the foreign exchange available at low prices for making essential imports. The rupee was made fully convertible on the current account of the balance of payments in August 1994. Good currency convertibility requires a readily available supply of physical currency which is why some countries impose capital controls on money leaving its country.

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Full convertibility will open doors for all global players to the Indian market, making it more competitive and better for consumers and the economy alike. However, Indians still require regulatory approval if they want to invest an amount above a pre-determined threshold level for the purpose of investments or purchasing assets overseas. Similarly, incomingforeign investmentsin certain sectors likeinsuranceorretail are capped at a specific percentage and require regulatory approvals for higher limits.

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Permission to convertibility of rupee impliesed Indian companies to invest abroad in companies listed in recognised overseas stock exchanges, and having at least 10 percent shareholding in a company listed on a recognised stock exchange in India on January 1 of the year of investment. Such investments should not exceed 25 percent of the Indian company’s net worth on the date of the last audited balance sheet. Removal of maturity restrictions on FII investments in debt instruments and investment in rupee debt securities to be subjected to a separate ceiling and not ECB ceiling. A fall in the exchange rate that reduces the value of a currency in terms of other currencies is called ______. In the case of the dollar, which is an international currency, the ‘exorbitant’ privileges include immunity from Balance of Payments crises as the USA can pay for its external deficits with its own currency.

Posted in Forex Trading

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